The Art of Face Mapping

Face mapping is a practice of showing a connection between problems that are occurring in your body and where breakouts appear on your face. This practice dates back to ancient Chinese and Indian medicine. Face mapping is commonly used today to determine why breakouts are happening and using it as a way to help prevent them.

DPR SKN Face Mapping

1. Forehead & Nose

Connected to the digestive system - This area is referred to as the T-Zone and  is often the most oily part of the face. Blemishes in this area tend to be hard and almost cystic-like due to stress, lack of sleep, and a poor diet. Hair care products can also cause breakouts on the hairline. To prevent blemishes in these areas, drink lots of water and avoid eating sugary and processed foods. Get plenty of sleep and reduce stress by keeping a calm mind. Get moving - go for a walk, run or whatever type of workout you enjoy, this will to reduce stress in your body. 

2. Eyes

Connected to the kidneys - Dark circles or blemishes around your eyes can appear here due to dehydration. Avoid sodas, sugary drinks, and alcohol. When you are properly hydrated and well rested the whites of your eyes will be brighter and dark circles will disappear.  

3. Cheeks

Connected to the respiratory system - Blemishes can appear here from pollution, smoking, stress, allergies, and touching your face. While pollution isn't so easily avoidable, make sure to cleanse your face twice a day to remove makeup, dirt, and oil on your skin. Keep your hands off your face, don't rest your head in your hands, if you notice you keep breaking out in a specific area on your cheek, this could be the cuprite. Avoid being around smoke, you know it's not good for your lungs and isn't good for your skin either. Make a conscious effort to keep your hands clean and away from your face. Be sure to keep your phone and pillow cases clean. When talking on the phone or resting your head on your pillow, bacteria can spread onto your face causing blemishes. 

4. Chin & Jaw

Connected to the stomach and hormones - These areas are greatly affected by hormones. Try to stress less. Avoid resting your face in your hands or touching your face throughout the day. Avoid starchy & sugary foods. Keep your skin clean, eat leafy green vegetables, and drink herbal teas to help calm the skin.

Practicing a healthy routine of a simple skin care regimen combined with eating well, sleeping well, and hydrating well, provides your body what it needs for beautiful skin. 

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