Behind the Mask: On A DPR Level with Lucy McFadin

DPR SKN is skin care that goes deeper. Our philosophy is about helping people to get on a deeper level with their own skin care by integrating wellness and self-love to promote a healthy lifestyle. Through our product and the Journal, we share our advice, skin care and wellness tips, and overall how to be the best you can be. We love to read interviews and get a glimpse of people’s lives. We see that all day long on social media, and read countless celeb interviews, but let’s get to know each other on a DPR level and get inspired to embrace our natural beauty!

For our latest Behind the Mask feature, we interviewed, the radiant Lucy McFadin. Lucy gives off a chic, yet cool girl vibe. Her style is always on point whether she’s spending the day at the beach or running around a city. She has a fun-loving and inspiring Youtube channel where she gives you an inside look at her daily life, what she eats, her impressive closet, favorite workouts, and all her adventures. Lucy is about to embark on her next journey, attending college in NYC! We chatted with Lucy about her plans, her dedication to her skin care routine, wellness hacks and more. Get to know Lucy on a DPR [deeper] level….


Tell us a little about yourself... age, where you live, what you do, etc!

My name is Lucy McFadin. I am 18 years old and currently living in Newport Beach, California. However, I am moving in two weeks to New York City for school! I am obsessed with all things beauty + fashion. My #1 goal is to have a cosmetics line of my own one day!

So exciting you’re off to NYU this fall! What are you planning on studying?

I am attending New York University this fall where I will attend their Gallatin School of Individualized Study. Basically a "Create Your Own Major" program where I will be able to explore different fields and mix & match different areas of study to fit specifically to what I want to do! I am planning on going into entrepreneurship and marketing.

Your vlogs are so cute! How’d you get into vlogging? Are you planning on continuing in college?

I got into Youtube from just binge watching it since 8th grade and have wanted to create one ever since! I posted a video in middle school, but deleted it once people at school saw it. Wish I didn't! Then finally decided to go for it at the beginning of my senior year. I will definitely continue into college, I love it so much!

What are a few of your favorite steps in your morning routine when you get ready and your evening routine winding down for bed? 

My favorite steps of my morning routine are a hydrating under eye serum to avoid wrinkles, as well as give myself a more awake appearance. Also my hair, skin, and nail vitamins! I've noticed they actually have helped a lot with my skin + nails (not to mention they taste like strawberries)! At night, I love to do a heavy moisturizer and some topicals to fight off acne.

What are your biggest skin care concerns? How do you overcome them?

My biggest skin concerns are my dryness and occasional breakouts! My skin is sensitive in a way that missing a night/morning routine, travel, or weather can cause it to freak out! I stick to my routines and wash my face 3-4 times a day. Not to brag, but I haven't missed a night or morning skincare routine since my freshman year of high school! ;)


“I was breaking out in my chin and check area last week and it has definitely helped a ton! New fave!”


How do you incorporate the Clay Mask into your skin care routine?

I have been using the DPR SKN Clay Mask as a drying treatment on blemishes and imperfections. I also use it once a week for an all over cleanse! I love how it heals without over-drying! I was breaking out in my chin and check area last week and it has definitely helped a ton! New fave!

How do you take care of yourself on a deeper level (what do you do to stay active, healthy, calm and positive, and embrace your natural beauty?)

To stay overall healthy, I try my best to workout 3-6 times week. I have recently gotten into Martial Arts/Boxing and am hooked! I eat clean, but don't follow any diets. I really enjoy my burgers and ice cream so never shy away from those guilty pleasures I have! When stressed out, I like to organize my life so my time management is in order. I also have been trying out CBD and have found that helps a lot too.

Any last words or advice?! Positive affirmations that you live by?

My advice is to follow your dreams and passions! Nothing is out of reach and do what makes you happy, not what makes others around you happy! Be true to who you are, that is key! Also find + stick to a skincare routine hehe <33


Now that you’ve gotten to know Lucy on a DPR level… check out our interview with her beautiful older sister, Ella, here!

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